Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Reading Week!! Oh YA!

It is currently Reading Week at my school, and I'm sure many others as well. If you are unfamiliar with Reading Week, it's basically Canadian spring break for universities. And it came at the most perfect time since last Thursday I had a dream that my school was burring to the ground. So I think that a week away was perfectly timed.

Sadly, this does not mean that I get a full week of doing nothing! I have had work (of the "How I pay my bills" variety), as well as some school work to plough though as well! A students life is never done. But I am managing to have a little fun - Mom and I are going to Calgary for a day trip later this week, and a visit with my cousins family, which is always fun!

The sad thing is, I have managed to pull a muscle in my abdomen. :( I have no clue how I managed to do this, except that it probably occurred one right when I was sleeping. Which just seems crazy, but completely plausible, since I am the QUEEN of randomly hurting myself on a regular basis. I am magical like that.

SO… a few updates!
1) I am going to try to make a schedule for blogging as well as uploading videos. This way you and I both know what is happening, and you all will also be getting more planned out blogs, and not just my random thoughts!

2) My weightless goals have been all but abandoned. I just do not have the motivation at this moment, however, I am still sticking with the goals of eating less sugar and junk. Hopefully the resulting feel-betterness will jump start my work out motivation!!

3) I want to get to know you, my loyal… hopefully… readers, and also want to know what you want to know about me! So I'm inviting you to leave comments on this post (or any post that you might have questions about), and I will either answer them here on the blog or in a video! If you don't want to leave your name, or you just don't have a google account, just select "anonymous" and leave your question that way!!

Well, I think that is all I have for you tonight! I am looking forward to questions and comments!!