School starts on Tuesday and as long as I pass everything (cross your fingers for me!) this will be my final year!! I have a pretty tough course load with 5 classes and a lab the first semester and my senior thesis and 2 classes my second semester.
So my first semester is going to be the real challenge. On top of two pretty tough history classes, I have Statistics and Linguistics. Now, even though this are intro level classes, they are very math orientated. I am not math orientated. So as you can imagine, I am stressed out about it. But it will be fine. I have to remember that I have to ask for help when I need it, and it won't be that bad. I don't need to ace these classes I just need to pass them.
And then there are my history classes. I have a 300 level history class on the Social History of Britain and a 400 level which is Topics in British History. I'm really hoping that having the two classes together will balance each other and one will help the other. What is also nice, is that they are both taught by the same professor. I've had this prof before and didn't do terribly well in that class, but that might be because I didn't connect with the subject matter as much. So hopefully I connect more with these ones.
I also have a 300 level anthropology class with is Space and Place. Not sure how interesting I'll find it but I might be surprised. And I really like the professor, so that is bound to help!
So I just hope that this semester goes well, and hopefully the second one will as well. My only hope is that I can get the grades I'm hoping for because I really hope to get the best grades possible so that I can get into graduate school in the UK.
And of course I want this last year to go well because at the end of it all, I have the best graduation present a girl can ask for! 3 weeks in Europe with my mom!! Part of the reason for the trip is to check out a few of the graduate programs I'm looking at in Belfast and around London. But the other part of it is that I have never been to Europe!! I've never really been outside of the North America, with the exception of a Caribbean cruise for my brothers wedding. My mom has been to the UK and my dad has been all over Europe!! Lucky ducks! And I am sooo excited about this trip! I have already started buying things that I need, like travel adapters, and packing cubes. I have even started making a list of what I want to pack and things I still need to buy. Yes, I am that freakishly prepared!!
So, please cross your fingers for me... pray... whatever will help!! Lol
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