I know this seems like a really random thing to blog about, but it's my Mad Mad World, and I'm mad about TO DO LIST'S!!
If you have read my previous posts from the last few months you have seen that I have been pretty stressed out and unhappy. Well, the way I combat that is by making to do list's, whether they are daily to do list's, to do's for each class, and even a life goals to do list that I have in my Moleskine journal that is almost always with me. I also use my journal for ideas for blogs, videos, any information that I need to remember… it's all in there!
I highly recommend making TO DO LIST'S if you are like me and super busy (and maybe a little absent minded…)! They are a great way to organize your thoughts, keep track of what has and still has to be done, and I find that just getting it out of my head and onto paper helps reduce stress.
Part of what makes life stressful is having everything you have to get done or want to do, bouncing around in your head, fighting for attention! So I love my Moleskine agenda, because I can have the basic information like what time I work, or when an appointment is on a specific day on the left side and can have a to do list for either the week or a specific day on the other!! I LOVE having that visual representation of my time, and I can prioritize it so much better when it's on paper and not bouncing around in my head.
So, if you are curious about what my agenda looks like and would like me to do a post on that, let me know in the comments!!