I promise later this week I will have some more exciting posts, but I just wanted to give a few quick updates!
So first - The technology situation will hopefully be taken care of shortly. I have decided to bit the bullet and get a Macbook Air. So hopefully it will last and be wonderful for many years to come since I have a big year this year and hopefully Grad school after that. It also has certain advantages like video editing software so hopefully I can FINALLY get some videos on my YouTube channel. But I will keep you posted on those developments!
Second - The spiders did not learn their lesson!! They went higher then simply my porch railing and hid in the overhang above my front door. I was sort of ok with that as long as I could see them cowering in fear and I knew where they were. But yesterday after work, they began to come out and no. Just no. So I tried to kill them with WD-40 which only seemed to give them more energy. They did not run and hide, they began to plot. I could see it. So I went and got a walking stick that is a little over a meter long and has a big rubber end which is perfect for smooshing spiders and attacked first!! I think one was mortally wounded, the other disappeared, so that makes me nervous. I only hope that it has figured out that living on my house isn't worth it, and goes and lives somewhere else! GROSS GROSS GROSS!!
Third - School starts in just two short weeks!! So excited!! I have all of my supplies ready to go! And I just can't wait! I'm already thinking about what I'm going to wear the first day... Stay tuned!